Monthly Newsletter
- Dance Ireland News posted to you every month (12 issues per year)
- FREE listings in Dance Ireland News for your events/activities
- FREE entries in Company News section of Dance Ireland News
- Regular e-bulletin mailouts with latest dance news and special offers
- FREE entries in e-bulletin
- Avail of Dance Ireland publications at a special members' rate
- Inclusion, as relevant, in Dance Ireland publications
- Invitations to all Dance Ireland performances, work-in-progress presentations and special events
Reduced Rates for participation in the following activities:
- Daily professional morning class
- Regular International guest residencies, master classes and workshops
- Monthly Cross Arts Series
- Professional development services and training programmes
Professional members only - participation in / free access to
- choreographic initiatives and bursary awards
- Irish Choreographers' New Works Platform (ICNWP)
- mentored schemes
- avail of discount tickets for dance events at a range of theatres and arts centres nationwide
- Access to our Artists' Resource Room at DanceHouse
- Hot desk facilities and reduced rates for printing and photocopying
- Resource library of dance journals, DVDs, videos and CDs
- Equipment hire at special members' rate
- Use of audio-visual equipment
- Use of viewing/listening facilities
Performer/Choreographer - €60
In addition to enjoying all the Membership Package and Associated Benefits, performer/choreographer members hold full voting rights. This category is solely for professional dance artists working in the field of performance and choreography.
As well as voting at AGM, performer/choreographer members can propose items to the AGM agenda, nominate professional members for election to the Board of Directors, and stand for election to the Board of Directors. Performer/choreographer members are also entitled to:
- Act as a Dance Ireland nominated artist on commission/selection panels;
- Represent Dance Ireland at national and international symposia, conferences and events;
- Propose artists’ projects such as symposia, seminars, events and workshops to the Board of Directors
Dance Organisation - €75/€100/€150/€200
For professional dance companies (non-funded, project funded and revenue funded), dance resource organisations, youth dance ensembles, and arts organisations.
A sliding scale of subscription rates apply in this category:
For project-funded companies: €75
For companies in receipt of up to €100,000 in grant-aid: €100
For companies in receipt of €100,001 - €200,000 in grant-aid: €150
For companies in receipt of €200,001 or more in grant-aid: €200
In addition to enjoying the full Membership Package and Associated Benefits, organisation members, can also avail of two free box ads (per membership year) and two free inserts (per membership year) in Dance Ireland News, as well as unlimited subsidised inserts. In addition organisation members can avail of our e-bulletin service to promote activities.
Subject to availability (advance booking required) organisation members may book the Artists’ Resource Room at DanceHouse for Board meetings for free.
Organisation members also have access to our subsidised rate for your company dancers (whether Dance Ireland members or not) to professional morning class.
Dance Associate - €50
For professionals in dance not working in the field of performance or choreography; open to dance educators, teachers, dance administrators, dance producers, dance writers, dance researchers/historians or other arts professionals. |
Dance Student - €25
For those who have enrolled in, or just graduated within one year from, a full time third-level dance or choreography course. This category also includes students training with independent dance schools, private teachers, youth dance ensembles and youth dance companies.
Dance Friend - €50/€100/€150
For Individuals and organisations with an interest in dance who wish to join the growing lobby for support of dance in Ireland. Your contribution is gratefully received; please choose from one of the three bands, appropriate to your circumstances. |
Dance Ireland is dedicated to fostering innovative and dynamic models of development that will allow a diverse and growing community of choreographers, dancers, dance companies, and dance organisations to fully explore and realise their potential for creative and professional growth. While the primary focus of our activities has been and remains the professional dance artist, we have also developed a multifaceted programme of work, including outreach modules, performances and presentations, and a range of DanceHouse evening classes to suit all.
Creative and Professional Development
If you are a professional dance artist, we offer practical support in the areas of subsidised classes, workshops, master classes, residencies, subsidised studio rentals, international artist exchange programme, mentored choreographic platforms, and access to equipment hire; access to discount healthcare schemes and insurance portfolio; and general arts management support, including access to ‘hot desk’ facilities, seminars, training programmes, advice and support.
Dance Ireland membership benefits also include access for professional dance artists to invaluable time and space in which to research and develop new work by offering choreographic bursaries, mentored choreographic platforms, creative residences, subsidised studio rentals, and Dance Incubator Programme.
Advice and Information
As a member of Dance Ireland, you not only have access to the tangible resources fo equipment and facilities - our knowledge and experience is also yours to draw on. So whether its grant applications, budgeting and financial management, production or touring, we are more than happy to guide and assist you in whatever we can.
As the leading resource for professional dance in Ireland, we represent, lobby and advocate on behalf of the dance sector through a programme of campaigns.
Health Services and Insurance Schemes
Content pending; we are working on new healthcare and insurance portfolio for members.
Promotional Support
For any artist, getting media exposure and publicising your activity is essential to generating interest in your or your company's work. Dance Ireland members gain access to our website, promotional opportunities in Dance Ireland News and e-bulletin, and in various bespoke publications like A Guide to Independent Choreographers and Dance Companies 1st Edition .